What makes us different is that we are agnostic as to our remuneration; critical to meet the needs of our clients' and to preserve our independence.
We can fit the rhythm and requirements of your business. We can be flexible since we are not only a professional service consultancy but also an Appointed Representative of Tribe Schemes Limited (FRN 833426), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and, importantly, compliance, transparency and good governance is assured. We have clients who enjoy our services via a retainer, others who prefer that we are remunerated through commission paid by the insurance market and some who prefer a hybrid structure combining the two methods.
What is important to note is that the remuneration that Tribe receives
Is, without exception, completely offset by the ultimate insurance rates and/or broker services that we are able to negotiate on our client's behalf
Is also offset be the efficiency and operational savings we deliver for our clients by taking responsibility for all aspects of insurance management
Is completely transparent; the integrity and independence of our service is never compromised